APT-P Bogies

BT 12 end trailer bogie
(2 braked axles, 2 air springs)

BT 11 intermediate articulation trailer bogie
(2 braked axles, 4 air springs)

BP 17a power car bogie
(2 powered/braked axles, 4 damped flexicoil springs)

APT-P Bogie Designations


BT 11 type bogies provide a means of articulation between two trailer vehicles.
BT 11a bogies provide a means of articulation and are also fitted with a C-APT aerial.
BT 12 type bogies are orthodox, fitted with a C-APT aerial.
BT 12a type bogies are orthodox, fitted with a parking brake. This bogie is not provided with a C-APT aerial.
BP 17 is the standard power car bogie, fitted with parking brake. The pantograph anti-tilt feature is available, but not required as this bogie is fitted under No 2 End of the vehicle.
BP 17a is the power car bogie, fitted with automatic power control pickup, parking brake and pantograph anti-tilt feature. This bogie is fitted under No 1 End of the vehicle.

APT-P Wheel Diameters

When new Prototype Advanced Passenger Train trailer wheels are Ø 780mm with those on the power car being Ø 850mm.

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Last Revised: 14.09.2020 10:15
by R G Latham
© 2002