The shape of travel to come

The following is reproduced from a leaflet titled "The shape of travel to come".

PDF English

The Advanced Passenger Train, APT for short, is British Rail's most modern train. These electric expresses will run Mondays to Fridays between Glasgow and London - 401 miles in 4¼ hours - the fastest ever between these two cities.

Departure and arrival times are shown below-

Glasgow Central
London Euston

Your Train Facilities

First and Second Class seats providing a high standard of comfort. Initially accommodation is confined to the six coaches at the northern end of the train (nearest to the barrier on departure from Glasgow and furthest from the barrier on departure from London).

There are full restaurant and buffet services available to all passengers. A trolley service is also provided in the second class portion of the train.

Light luggage can be placed on the overhead racks or between and under the seats. The guard's van has adequate space for the storage of bulky luggage.

Seat Reservation and Tickets

All seats are reservable and early booking is strongly advised. Standing is not permitted. Any unreserved seats will be allocated by the issue of free boarding cards, obtainable from the APT office during the hour before departure.

Most types of tickets are valid and remember there is no supplementary charge for travel by this new exciting train.

Design Features

The unique feature of the APT is the tilt mechanism enabling curves to be negotiated at very high speeds without loss of passenger comfort.

Considerable weight saving has also been effected by using articulated coaches of aluminium construction resulting in lower power consumption - most important with today's need to conserve energy.

External sliding doors are fitted giving easy entry and exit with luggage. These doors are operated by the passenger at the push of a button although the guard maintains overall control.

The specially designed toilets may be used even when the train is at a station.

The Future

British Rail hopes to build a fleet of Inter-City APT's for the main electrified services from Euston to Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, North West England and the West Midlands.

If the Government give authority these services could be running by the late 1980's.

We would like you to enjoy your journey by APT. Any comments you may care to make will be appreciated.

Please write to:-

General Manager
London Midland Region
Euston House
Eversholt Street
General Manager
Scottish Region
Buchanan House
58 Port Dundas Road
G4 0HG

Special for Businessmen

Have a Chauffeur-Driven Car waiting for you on arrival at London Euston or Glasgow Central stations. Just contact your nearest Godfrey Davis Rail Drive Office at most principal stations.

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Last Revised: 28.06.2022 10:08
by R G Latham
© 1998