the next train…

The following is reproduced from a document titled "the next train…".

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Passenger travel in the 1970s

British Rail are now planning an entirely new and exciting pattern of passenger travel in the 1970s-by trains, ships and hovercraft. They are combining comfort with speed and really advanced design thinking.

Much of what is now being done stems from the advanced technology being practised at the British Rail Technical Centre at Derby. This £4m powerhouse of invention was established only a few years ago and is already producing results which are commanding world-wide attention. Not the least ambitious project is the Advanced Passenger Train (APT). It is capable of operating at 125 mph on standard track. Even higher speeds, up to 150 mph, may be attained later. Notable features will be its lightweight construction; its ability to 'lean over' on curves and its gas-turbine engines. But there is a whole wealth of other development now in hand - track, rolling stock, signalling, traction - which promises to make the 1970s a decade of progress such as railways have never seen.

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