APT : Questionnaire 1982


Please read the following questions carefully and record your own reactions. We will collect the questionnaire from you before you leave the train.

Thank you for your assistance.

Q1. Have you ever travelled on the Advanced Passenger Train (APT) before?

  1. YES  ☐
  2. NO  ☐
  3. DON'T KNOW  ☐

IF YES, how many previous APT journeys have you made?

  1. in 1982? __________
  2. in 1981? __________

Q2. Thinking overall about your journey on APT today, would you say that it was:

  1. very uncomfortable  ☐
  2. uncomfortable  ☐
  3. neither uncomfortable nor comfortable  ☐
  4. comfortable  ☐
  5. very comfortable  ☐

Q3. On your journey today, could you tell us if you have done any of the following before filling in this questionnaire:

  1. visited the buffet?
    1. YES  ☐
    2. NO  ☐
  2. visited the toilet?
    1. YES  ☐
    2. NO  ☐
  3. walked through the train for any reason?
    1. YES  ☐
    2. NO  ☐
  4. read or tried to read?
    1. YES  ☐
    2. NO  ☐
  5. written or tried to write?
    1. YES  ☐
    2. NO  ☐
  6. slept or tried to sleep?
    1. YES  ☐
    2. NO  ☐

Q4. Thinking overall about your journey on APT today, would you say that it was:

  1. for reading?
    1. very bad  ☐
    2. bad  ☐
    3. neither  ☐
    4. good  ☐
    5. very good  ☐
    6. haven't tried  ☐
  2. for writing?
    1. very bad  ☐
    2. bad  ☐
    3. neither  ☐
    4. good  ☐
    5. very good  ☐
    6. haven't tried  ☐
  3. for talking?
    1. very bad  ☐
    2. bad  ☐
    3. neither  ☐
    4. good  ☐
    5. very good  ☐
    6. haven't tried  ☐
  4. for sleeping?
    1. very bad  ☐
    2. bad  ☐
    3. neither  ☐
    4. good  ☐
    5. very good  ☐
    6. haven't tried  ☐
  5. for walking through the train?
    1. very bad  ☐
    2. bad  ☐
    3. neither  ☐
    4. good  ☐
    5. very good  ☐
    6. haven't tried  ☐

Q5. And how would you describe your journey on APT today:

  1. enjoyable?
    1. YES  ☐
    2. NO  ☐
    3. DON'T KNOW  ☐
  2. exciting?
    1. YES  ☐
    2. NO  ☐
    3. DON'T KNOW  ☐
  3. relaxing?
    1. YES  ☐
    2. NO  ☐
    3. DON'T KNOW  ☐

Q6. Would you describe the ride of the train as:

  1. very smooth?  ☐
  2. fairly smooth?  ☐
  3. neither rough nor smooth?  ☐
  4. fairly rough?  ☐
  5. very rough?  ☐

Q7. Look at the following list of features of APT. Which would you say are the best features of this train? TICK 3 BOXES ONLY PLEASE

  1. the smoothness of the ride  ☐
  2. the seats  ☐
  3. internal decor  ☐
  4. the train's speed  ☐
  5. the air ventilation  ☐
  6. its cleanliness  ☐
  7. its quietness  ☐
  8. provision for luggage  ☐
  9. the ashtrays  ☐
  10. entry doors  ☐
  11. external appearance  ☐
  12. general comfort  ☐
  13. design of the toilet  ☐
  14. the buffet  ☐
  15. the lighting  ☐
  16. the tables  ☐
  17. its tidyness  ☐
  18. ease of moving about whilst the train is in motion  ☐

Q8. And looking at the next list of features of APT, which features do you NOT like about this train? TICK 3 BOXES ONLY PLEASE

  1. its noisiness  ☐
  2. the buffet  ☐
  3. the toilet  ☐
  4. external appearance  ☐
  5. the roughness of the ride  ☐
  6. internal door  ☐
  7. difficulty in moving about whilst its in motion  ☐
  8. design of the toilet  ☐
  9. the seats  ☐
  10. the air ventilation  ☐
  11. the entry doors  ☐
  12. provision for luggage  ☐
  13. general comfort  ☐
  14. the lighting  ☐
  15. the tables  ☐
  16. the ashtrays  ☐
  17. the train's speed  ☐
  18. is untidyness  ☐

Q9. Thinking about your seat in the APT, would you say that it was:

  1. for general comfort?
    1. very bad  ☐
    2. bad  ☐
    3. neither  ☐
    4. good  ☐
    5. very good  ☐
  2. for legroom?
    1. very bad  ☐
    2. bad  ☐
    3. neither  ☐
    4. good  ☐
    5. very good  ☐
  3. for ease of getting in & out?
    1. very bad  ☐
    2. bad  ☐
    3. neither  ☐
    4. good  ☐
    5. very good  ☐

Q10. Thinking about luggage space on the APT, would you say that it was:

  1. very good  ☐
  2. good  ☐
  3. neither  ☐
  4. bad  ☐
  5. very bad  ☐

Q11. If you have used the toilet on this APT journey, did you have any difficulty

  1. keeping yourself balanced
    1. YES  ☐
    2. NO  ☐
  2. with the door lock
    1. YES  ☐
    2. NO  ☐
  3. with the toilet seat
    1. YES  ☐
    2. NO  ☐
  4. with the flush
    1. YES  ☐
    2. NO  ☐
  5. with the water supply to the wash basin
    1. YES  ☐
    2. NO  ☐

Have you any further comments concerning the toilet compartments?

Q12. Where are you travelling from?
    (city) ____________________

and to?
    (city) ____________________

Q13. Have you made a journey by train between these two cities in the last 3 months?

  1. YES  ☐
  2. NO  ☐

Q14. Have you made any other journeys not on APT on the West Coast Main Line during the last six months?

  1. yes, many  ☐
  2. yes, several  ☐
  3. yes, one other  ☐
  4. no  ☐
  5. don't know  ☐


Q15. On your other journeys on the West Coast Main Line in the last six months, did you travel:

  1. exclusively in Mark III coaches?  ☐
  2. exclusively in Mark II air conditioned coaches?  ☐
  3. exclusively in other types of coaches?  ☐
  4. in a mixture of Mark III & II air conditioned coaches?  ☐
  5. in another mixture of coaches?  ☐
  6. don't know  ☐

Q16. Compared with your other recent (within the last six months) journeys on the West Coast Main Line, would you say that

  1. the ride on APT was
    1. much smoother  ☐
    2. smoother  ☐
    3. about the same  ☐
    4. rougher  ☐
    5. much rougher  ☐
    6. don't know  ☐
  2. the noise level on APT was
    1. much noisier  ☐
    2. noisier  ☐
    3. about the same  ☐
    4. quieter  ☐
    5. much quieter  ☐
    6. don't know  ☐

Q17. Have you travelled on any of the following types of inter-city train in the last six months?

  1. HST (high speed train)?
    1. YES  ☐
    2. NO  ☐
    3. DON'T KNOW  ☐
  2. Mark III coach?
    1. YES  ☐
    2. NO  ☐
    3. DON'T KNOW  ☐
  3. Air conditioned Mark II coach?
    1. YES  ☐
    2. NO  ☐
    3. DON'T KNOW  ☐
  4. other Mark II or Mark I coach?
    1. YES  ☐
    2. NO  ☐
    3. DON'T KNOW  ☐


Q18. Compared with other inter-city trains you have travelledon in the last six months would you say that:

  1. the external entry door on APT was
    1. easier to use  ☐
    2. about the same  ☐
    3. more difficult to use  ☐
  2. the seat on APT was
    1. much more comfortable  ☐
    2. more comfotable  ☐
    3. about the same  ☐
    4. slightly less comfortable  ☐
    5. much less comfortable  ☐
    6. don't know  ☐
  3. the lighting on APT was
    1. much better  ☐
    2. slightly better  ☐
    3. about the same  ☐
    4. slightly worse  ☐
    5. much worse  ☐
    6. don't know  ☐
  4. for ease of walking down the train during the journey, APT was
    1. much better  ☐
    2. slightly better  ☐
    3. about the same  ☐
    4. slightly worse  ☐
    5. much worse  ☐
    6. don't know  ☐


  5. for accommodating the baggage you have with you on this journey, are the baggage facilities on APT in comparison with other facilities on inter-city trains
    1. much better  ☐
    2. slightly better  ☐
    3. about the same  ☐
    4. slightly worse  ☐
    5. much worse  ☐
    6. don't know  ☐

Q19. How would you describe the temperature on your APT journey today?

  1. very hot  ☐
  2. hot  ☐
  3. neither hot nor cold (just right)  ☐
  4. cold  ☐
  5. very cold  ☐

Q20. And would you say that the air (circulation) in APT was

  1. very stuffy?  ☐
  2. stuffy?  ☐
  3. neither fresh nor stuffy?  ☐
  4. fresh?  ☐
  5. very fresh?  ☐
  6. don't know?  ☐

Q21. Compared with a normal inter-city train, would you say that your journey on APT was

  1. much more comfortable?  ☐
  2. more comfortable?  ☐
  3. about the same?  ☐
  4. less comfortable?  ☐
  5. much less comfortable?  ☐
  6. don't know?  ☐

Q22. Thinking about the comfort of your APT journey today, would you say that compared with travelling along a straight, going round curves on APT

  1. feels very different  ☐
  2. feels different  ☐
  3. feels about the same  ☐
  4. feels exactly the same  ☐
  5. don't know  ☐


  1. Compared with a normal inter-city train, would you say that when you are seated and going round curves your journey on APT was
    1. much more comfortable?  ☐
    2. more comfortable?  ☐
    3. about the same?  ☐
    4. less comfortable?  ☐
    5. much less comfortable?  ☐
    6. don't know?  ☐
  2. Again compared with a normal inter-city train, would you say that standing or moving along the train when the train is going round curves is
    1. much more difficult on APT?  ☐
    2. more difficult on APT?  ☐
    3. about the same as on a normal inter-city train?  ☐
    4. easier on APT?  ☐
    5. much easier on APT?  ☐
    6. don't know?  ☐

Q24. Please write here any further comments or observations you care to make about APT. Please make your comments as detailed and as specific as possible.

Q25. Are you

  1. male?  ☐
  2. female?  ☐

Q26. Please indicate your age

  1. under 16  ☐
  2. between 16 and 24  ☐
  3. between 25 and 34  ☐
  4. between 35 and 44  ☐
  5. between 45 and 54  ☐
  6. between 55 and 64  ☐
  7. 65 and over  ☐

Q27. Are you employed by BR?

  1. YES  ☐
  2. NO  ☐

IF YES, are you or have you been actively involved in the APT project?

  1. YES  ☐
  2. NO  ☐

IF NO, are you

  1. married to a BR employee?  ☐
  2. son or daughter of BR employee?  ☐
  3. other?  ☐


Research into Customer Reaction - Steer, Davies & Gleave Ltd. 1982.

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